Joey De Venecia III, from being a Businessman to a Politician.

By Miong - Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"But not a traditional Politician", Joey De Venecia III emphasizes.
Joey de Venecia talked before yesterday to the mixed Crowd of Cebu Youth, Cebu Bloggers Society, Media and Government Employees.

Senatoriable Joey de Venecia III is the son of five-time Speaker Jose de Venecia. A full MBA Scholar at Fordham University in New York and an Accounting Instructor their. One of his major contribution to the country is the introduction of Broadband Connectivity with the vision to boost potential for Call Center and BPOs Employment in the country which needs broadban type of Internet Connection to operate at ease. His Initiative to Information Technology in the country was singling him out from the rest of the Senatorial Candidates.
A promise from him, "A Personal Computer Set for every Filipino Family". That's what Joey de Venecia said when asked about what he will take into the Senate if he wins the Senatorial Race these May 10, 2010. Joey de Venecia will work on a bill that will provide each Filipino Family to own a PC. Attracting IT Companies and other Groups or Foundations to share in the Project and help make these realize so that each Filipino would monitor what is going on in the Governement Processes as everything will be transparent through Internet Connectivity.
We'll he has nice Visions and Ideas. Maybe its because he's a businessman and an Accountant by Profession. If he wins he will have ampful time to realize it.
Joey De Venecia III, from being a Businessman to a Politician posted at
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  1. I noted yesterday that he was very defensive - on the question that why he enter into politics - at least. Did he appear as traditional politician what's why he needed to mention that he is not? Well, it depends on how we hear it. :)

  2. Well figures in Politics do share some common traits. That when we recognizes it, we can then conclude that he is really a Politician, no matter if he's new or old into it.
